Laura's Kindergarten class went all out to enjoy Easter, making Bunny Baskets out of milk jugs and creating beautiful bonnets to wear for their party and egg hunt.
Laura modeling the latest fashions in Kindergarten Easter Craft Chic!
Somehow we were actually able to coral the class for a quick picture before it was time to line up for the Egg Hunt.
All five classes lined up on the sidewalk waiting for the Principal's countdown.
And off they go!
She wanted to wear her favorite dress from the fashion show she was a part of a few weeks ago. She's all girly, but she's smart enough to chose function over fashion for her school footwear. She's got to have fast sneakers to find all those eggs.
Mom helping count the eggs.
One happy girl!
Laura with her friend showing off some of their favorite eggs.
Mom and Dad at the end of the line, making sure no little ones wander off.
The kids' eyes were wide when they came into their room and saw this spread of party food.
Everyone had to check out their eggs and see what kind of treats they held.
Now that's a great day at school!

She wanted to wear her favorite dress from the fashion show she was a part of a few weeks ago. She's all girly, but she's smart enough to chose function over fashion for her school footwear. She's got to have fast sneakers to find all those eggs.
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