Thursday, August 21, 2008

An only child's days.

I am getting used to having only one of the girls by myself, all day. It is quite the adjustment from the summer time routine, but I'll get the hang of it. I think I like having the two of them around, as it takes some of the pressure of entertaining off of me. Laura is like a little computer, just full of questions that never stop. Even if you answer it, and you think you've done so correctly, she'll most likely ask you the same thing again. I know I'm not supposed to squelch that inquisitive desire, but some days it's hard to encourage it. She is my little teacher of patience.

Tuesday, Joe invited us to join him for lunch, and it sounded like a terrific idea. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we went to a restaurant with deck seating, perfect! I even resorted back to my old tricks that I had learned, but forgotten along the way, with Leah. Bring your own meal for the kids! I packed her a sandwich, fruit, cheese and a drink, which meant less money wasted on a kid's meal that she wouldn't have enjoyed anyway.

Today I decided a trip to our local aquarium would be a great outing, and Laura was thrilled with the idea. We headed off with hat and sunglasses in hand, and had a great day. After spending so much time with the two of the girls together, I have forgotten how good they can act on their own. They are at a stage where they compete for attention, and sometimes that comes out as arguing. But one on one, it is a different experience. Laura was just perfect, and we really had a nice time. After that we stopped by the music store to pick up a book for Leah's piano lessons. Laura's eyes got so wide as she saw everything in the store, too many pianos to count, every band instrument you could think, tons of drum sets. She would love to have been let loose to play everything. I walked her around and let her look at everything, and she played the keys on a couple of pianos, until she got to the one that was marked at about $15,000. I thought that was my sign that we should probably call it a day. One McDonald's happy meal later, and a quick stop at my parents, she was home in the bubble bath and then asleep for a 3 hour nap. I guess our day was exactly what she needed.

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