It was Laura's turn to get acquainted with her new classroom for the year. She was already looking forward to seeing her teacher, we'll call her Mrs. A, as Leah had also had her for her 3 year old class. We strolled in early and took our pictures with the photographer that the preschool provides before heading into her classroom. As Leah was taking her turn with the photographer, Laura squealed..." I just saw Mrs. A, she just walked right by me!!!" It was so cute, you would think it was me seeing Michael Buble or something.
You have My Little Ponies? This class will definitely do for Laura.

Leah with the wonderful Mrs. A, we were so thrilled to have Laura in her class.

Laura was looking very
girly with this beautiful bow that her Mom-mom made her.

Laura wanted to take a picture, and she actually got a nice one.

I think this was Leah's shot of Laura.

Leah with Jessica, they are going to the same school this year, but different teachers. They will be able to see each other on the playground though, so all is well.

After our Preschool visit, we stopped by my dear friend Ashley's office to drop off a package. I insisted on getting a picture, since most of the ones I have with her and the kids, they were still tiny babies. She was sweet and commented on Laura's pink glasses, and Laura asked, "Where are your pink glasses?" We'll have to get her some!
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