The girls start thinking about their next Birthday Party before the current one is even through, so needless to say there was much thought and discussion in planning Laura's 6th Birthday Party. We started thinking about having one of our friend's, Nonie, come with her traveling mini zoo to host the festivities, and from there we went through Tangled, Science Party, Gymnastics, you name it, we thought of it. But after a few months of tossing ideas around, Laura came back to Nonie's Ark, so that's what we did just this last weekend with about 15 of her friends.
Leah & Laura before the guests arrived.
Mom helping get ready before the party, standing next to our jungle themed balloons and food table.
Laura's cake, the baker copied Laura's invitations, where she had drawn jungle animals.
Me with my Birthday Girl.
The week before the party, Laura decided she would help with the decorations by drawing animals. We scattered them around the table and she was very proud of her work.

Nonie brought safari hats for all the kids.
Keilana with the girls playing jungle bingo.
The crowd growing in size.
After a couple of games, the crowd headed out to the back porch to see the stars of the show, the animals.
Laura picked a "cute" animal first, so Nonie brought out her tortoise. She held it behind her back and asked Laura to guess what it was.
The shell gave it away.
She was pleased to see that it was a cute little tortoise.

Nonie walked each animal around to each child.

Watching the cycle of life, the tortoise just about to eat a worm.
Nonie was teaching them about friction, they were told to rub their hands together as fast as the could to feel the warmth they created.
As excited as she was to see the cute creature, she was anything but when Nonie pulled out the hissing cockroach.
Marley wasn't the least bit afraid and walked right up to each animal.
Laura didn't want to touch it, but agreed to put it on her hat for a photo opportunity.
Nonie asked for volunteers to kiss the cockroach.
Ryan was game!
I love the look on Laura's face, like keep that thing away from me!
Leah, Savannah & Lily
Nonie showing the cockatoo to Gavin & Jen.
Laura was a little more ready to interact with the cockatoo.
Even decided that she would hold it.
Nonie teaching Laura how to be a pirate, first you have to make your finger into a hook...
Hold the bird on your shoulder and make your best pirate face.

This was the cutest one of them all, the chinchilla. Nonie had her smell it to see if she could tell what it was.

So soft and cuddly, she loved it!

Emily giving it some love.
"Here hold this bag.", not sure I would do that knowing the collection of animals Nonie has, but Laura was game.
She was less afraid of it than the cockroach.
Even holding it.

Everything was great until the end of the tail started tickling her neck.
Then she gave it right back to Nonie.

Nonie had the children form a circle around the snake, and let them touch it gently while it was loose on the ground.
Laura had talked about how excited she was to see the tarantula again, but when it came out she didn't want anything to do with it. Nonie talked her into at least letting the spider's web touch her hand, and then she helped her become a little Spidergirl.

Alexandria with the tarantula.
Gavin checking out the frog, which he later kissed.
Emily was game to kiss the frog too.
After a great educational show, we ate snacks and relaxed inside.
Gabby, Emily & Laura

Savannah, Laura & Emily

We couldn't have asked for a better day, and the kids had a great time running around the yard.

My Mom lighting the candles to sing Happy Birthday.

Make a wish and...

My Dad had found Laura a "Dream Ruby", otherwise a giant glass red jewel, Laura was thrilled as you can see from her face.

Laura was excited to receive so many wonderful gifts from her friends.

Dad helping Laura open the classic bank that they got her.
Laura once again declared this to be the best party ever, we had a great time celebrating with everyone and are so grateful that they helped make this a special Birthday.
Leah & Laura before the guests arrived.
awww...what cute pictures, thanks for sharing!
What a great party! I loved the pictures you got of Laura with her birthday cake. I don't know which one is my favorite, they are GREAT shots and she is so beautiful!
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