Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A day in Mobile

As the Michael Buble' concert was approaching, I noticed that there was a contest to win passes to the sound check. I entered, of course not thinking much of it, especially since it was a station that I can barely get on my car radio and most days it's completely static. I forgot about it on the first day, the second morning I was already up, so I went out to my car, in my pajamas, and listened for my name at 7:15 in the morning. Well, color me surprised, but that DJ said my name as clear as a bell, and I called in and got those passes as well as two more concert tickets to share with my Mom & Laura.

We used that excuse as a reason to get together with Julia and her girls at the Mobile Exploreum.

Isabel & Leah playing weather girls.
They had tons of hands on things for the girls to play with, including these chairs that taught them how the pulley systems worked.

Luisa peering out the Museum window.
And the station that was our final destination, and the sound check passes were well worth the drive!

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